
What items are available online?

Thousands of items are currently available online with new additions appearing every day. We do not provide manufacturer information per the request of our vendors.

How does the search feature work?

The RS Pure product search feature allows you to search by major product category, secondary product group (necklaces, etc.), keyword, price range, manufacturer, pattern and by product number.

Why am I having trouble navigating your site with my browser?

Our web site is best viewed with FireFox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you are using older browser software, you may want to download the free upgrades.

How can I be sure I am getting the lowest price?

All products featured on our web site are listed at the lowest current price available. Prices subject to change without notice.

How do you determine which items become clearance items? Are they the same quality?

All RS Pure products are first quality.

How can I be sure of the authenticity of your jewelry?

Our jewelry represents a 65 year commitment to fine quality and outstanding value at legendary low prices. More specific product and authenticity information about jewelry items may be available by contacting our Order line at 800-493-2808.